miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

México, USA, Obama and Wiesbaden!

Well, after a long trip from Mérida, then Cancun, Philadelphia, Frankfurt and finally Wiesbaden, I was able to arrive to the Students Residence Camp Pieri. The truth is that this has been a really tiring trip, even more that the last year I traveled to Greece. I don't know why!
I was barely 2 hours at the Philadelphia airport, but before landing, we're flying around for about one hour because the president Obama (who has now the Nobel Peace Prize) was at the city and some military aircrafts were also in the sky. Anyway, the flight was really cool. I met this lady named Kathy from Virginia, who was going to Madrid for a "race" between the french border until Santiago de Compostela, in Spain; really brave, ha? We talked about our last trips and she told me about her trip to Guatemala. She actually speaks really good spanish.
I arrived to Wiesbaden and my first impression was: a beautiful city. The buildings are amazing and, like the most of Europe, the transportation and buses are really good. Joana, my buddy from the Erasmus Program, picked me up from the airport and kindly she gave me a cigarrette. She is really cool and I hope to see her often. She explained me, step by step, how to use the buses and trains between Frankfurt and Wiesbaden (by train only 45 minutes). Tomorrow I have to wake up at 8 am in order to pick Mauricio up. I have already set 3 alarm clocks. haha.

That's everything 4 now. and the next post: Oktoberfest 2009!